There are times in life where you find yourself sideswiped, and there is a portion of time you stay suspended in the air until your feet finally meet the ground again. At times it can be exciting.. not knowing what's going to happen, but most often this is the time people find themselves worrying the most.
People grow up, pick the road on which they want their life to be, and head off into the sunset. Often times we miss the stories of what happens along the way. What struggles got them to their final destination, or why they chose that path in the first place? I have gotten the incredible opportunity to work in a field of medicine that I truly love and enjoy. As many of you know, I have 5 different jobs I get to enjoy.. all of them doing completely different things, in completely different atmospheres.

My main job, the title is "Mommy". That one affects all the other ones, but still doesn't put a bridle on my passion in medicine - hence the other 4 jobs. One being an 'on call' position in Nuclear Medicine that I took on a complete whim. One of my 'blind jumps' if you will, and has proven to be a good asset to keep up my skills in general Nucs. The second one being a PET/CT job at a cancer facility in which I get to work with amazing people (you have to be to work in that atmosphere), and of course - amazing strong patients. That is the job I love the most. I would work there everyday if I could, and not saying I didn't have the opportunity, but the radiation levels with that isotope are something that I wouldn't want to be around all the time. Especially when I see another little one coming into our family in the near future.. and no, I am not pregnant.
The third being at an Instacare where I get the opportunity to draw blood and take x-rays. I love working with everyone in that clinic. All the doctors, MA's and front desk staff are by far some of the funnest people I have ever had the opportunity to spend my time with. I find myself learning continually about medicine, and know that it's a place where I can increase my knowledge for the good if I ever decide to head into PA school. The 4th is in a hospital, and I feel that it's my home somehow. It's where I spent my time doing clinicals as a student in Diagnostic Radiology.. and still feel attached. Although most the people have changed and the department is now in a completely different place, I have a hard time saying good-bye completely there.
Having turned down two full time jobs in both of the Nuclear Medicine fields, made me realized my main job as "Mommy" still means the most to me. I am not sure what will happen in the future, or when I will get the inkling to jump on an incredible opportunity that I can't pass up.. but I guess that's the fun part of being suspended. Just waiting to see where life will lead you, awaiting the future that presents itself before you. I hope we all have aspirations for the goals we each have in mind. The only thing now is to decide exactly what we want.. and then go get it. It's kind of like the resistance that's in place for bull riders right before the gate opens.. and when it opens, you'd better be hanging on tight.
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