Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Everyone always tells you, don't give up.. you can achieve whatever it is you put your mind to. And you know what? They're right. You can.. with enough drive and determination, you can get whatever it is you want.

But sometimes, in this thing we call life, it's good to take a step back and realize what it is you are actually working towards. Is it really worth the battle of the fight? Is it really worth the sacrifice of pushing yourself this hard? Sometimes it is best to understand that it's ok to stop. I wouldn't call it 'giving up' per se.. but in a sense it's kind of like walking away from a fight, or realizing maybe that direction isn't the correct one for you.

Most of the time, the directions we are pointed in are something that we want very badly - which makes it that much harder to stop and walk away. But what do you think? Will that make us better people to push til the end.. or is it true we still need to do everything with 100%... and if it isn't working.. just turn around?

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