Saturday, June 14, 2014

Beautiful people and big accomplishments

I feel so lucky to spend my days with such handsome fun boys. Boy do I love just wrestling and reading to them. They are so entertaining and full of love. Our Summer days have been filled with mostly riding our bikes around, playing in the sprinklers and heading to the parks. We plan on also heading to California and the cabin later this Summer :) .

Tyler LOVES bugs. Here MOM!

Diego turns 6!
Found this gem from our last trip to California!
He naturally knows how cool he is.

Blake also learned how to ride his bike without training wheels! Now he's a pro! At first he didn't want to take off the training wheels, but when we told him it was up to him - he decided himself he was ready... and off he went!! Trent stood next to him at first and then he kept getting better and better. So proud of my little guy!

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