Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Feeling the sunshine

Ahhhh, loving the warm weather! My dizziness has gotten so much better since I have gotten into aerial silk - so now I love being outside. We have enjoyed many bike rides as a family already, and I love every minute of it. The boys are all at such a fun age - I feel so lucky to be able to spend the days with them soaking it all in.

Jack is growing so fast - he actually just grew out of shoes that were too big for him that we got him 3 months ago! He claims it's because he eats well and gets enough sleep :) . I enjoy having him out of school right now. I know he was only in 1/2 day Kindergarten, but still, he is so fun. He got a book from the library the other day and has read it through 2 times already. I have even peeked in his room and seen him reading to his friends and his brothers. I love to hear him read, he is always getting better.

Blake still tells stories with such excitement in his eyes and face. He is such a sweet boy too, whenever it's getting loud and crazy in the house I start to hear, "Mommy... Mommy... Mommy..... I love you." And out of the blue he has a smirky smile and exclaims if you come over to him he will give you a hug or kiss. It's also cute when you hear him tell either of his brothers he loves them too. Especially when Tyler replies, " I lub you to, Blakey."

Tyler is so stinkin adorable, I can't get over it. Don't get me wrong, he is a super tough, daring child, but his personality to go with that just makes him so entertaining. He still smells like a baby, so I love getting my doses of Oxytocin by smelling his hair, and enjoy cuddling with him by 'Rocking' every morning with him while he drinks his milk.

Everyone at Trent's work loves him these days. But come one, how could you not? He IS amazing. But it is nice to feel appreciated for sure! He also went to a real estate auction the other day... haha, what a story that is! Let's just say sometimes it's good to make for CERTAIN you know what you're bidding on, in case of making yourself a really good story for the future! I sure love that man. He truly really is so much fun to have around.

We just got Jack a new bike a few days ago. He's been riding it constantly every day since. We put training wheels on Blake's bike, so he's super excited - and Tyler has learned how to pedal so fast! These boys LOVE their bikes! I think these pictures are cute - they show the progression of the bicycle! :)

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