Tuesday, December 30, 2008

%*~ Merry Christmas ~*%

Merry Christmas from JACK IN THE BOX!!
This Christmas we were able to go up to Wyoming. We had a great time.

Friday, October 31, 2008

You and your conscience...

Happy Halloween!!

This year Jack dressed up as the devil! Funny I know, everyone is telling me, "I can't believe your dressing your baby up as the devil. " haha. But it turned out good because Trent didn't feel like dressing up, so Jack was the devil, I was an angel, and we both were Trent's continence.. :)

I dressed up as an angel. haha. We didn't go trick or treating.. Jack's still a little young. But we did get to hand out candy!! Which I loved, because I grew up out of town where I never got the opportunity before to do so. I had a great time, Trent thought it was funny I was enjoying it so much!

Our friend Stephanie from next door has a little daughter- Isabelle. She was a lion. :) She kept getting mad and Jack looked truly concerned. He was trying to calm her down. He has always been a sweet little guy.

Kinko's did free Halloween pictures for kids this year. So we thought we
d take advantage. What a cutie!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Noah & Jack!

Jenni and her cute little family came to visit us. It was so fun to seen Noah and Jack together - they are only a few days apart in age!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Welcome to the world Jack

Getting ready for the fun to begin!

It all started in June when your daddy looked at me and told me I should take a pregnancy test. It would still be a few days before my body might tell me there was a chance I was, but he just had a feeling I was. We were on our way back from Wyoming, so it was late when we got home. So I took the test and we both waited. A few minutes later we both saw a faint line, the one that would indicate that I was pregnant.The next day at work, I wondered all day if the test was true even though it was only faintly there. Right after I got off of work I called your dad. "I think I should take another test." And he just replied, "I already got one!". So I took the test right when I got home - and guess what? I was pregnant! We were so excited we told everyone that night.
I think I had a fairly good pregnancy, even though your dad might disagree. I felt wonderful the first 8 weeks until we decided to go to Bear Lake. After riding on the boat I started feeling nauseated. On the way home I threw up.
The first trimester, and part of the second I was sick every day. I believe I lost a total of 7 pounds. Food didn't sound good, because I couldn't keep anything day. I even had to get IV fluids to keep my hydrated.
By the second half of the second trimester I started feeling better. And soon I didn't feel sick anymore. Food tasted SO good, and I ate everything I could. I started getting dizzy because my heart and blood pressure would have problems whenever I stood up. Since I was pregnant, I had come off the medication I normally took - and I was getting dizzier and dizzier everyday. I was in school at the time, and doing clinical hours.. so I wasn't sure if I would be able to finish. I ended up using compression stockings, and they helped so much.
Since I was having these health problems I switched my care from a midwife to a truly amazing doctor (Dr. Denise Lochner). She had a plan set so we would both be safe when you decided to come into the world.
During the last trimester I never got uncomfortable which was nice, and I never waddled. You always kicked so hard- we called you our little wiggle butt. Your dad would trace his finger across my belly, and your foot would just follow. Anytime someone would put their hand on my belly, you would just kick them right back. Even the doctor had a hard time listening to your heart beat because of your constant kicking back!

We were so excited to meet you, and on February 22nd, at 6:31am - you came into the world. You weighed 7 lbs 8 oz and measured 22 inches long. My doctor decided to induce my labor due to my declining health conditions, so we had arrived at the hospital the morning before. I labored for 22 hours and I wasn't progressing, so they decided to do a c-section. Your dad was able to be in the operating room with me, and held my hand the entire time.
Once you arrived your dad followed you everywhere. He said it was amazing how you could love someone so much that you had never met before. You had a small cone head due to the long labor, and they measured you twice because they didn't believe you were so long. Even though you were just born, you had so many facial expressions. We had taken a lot of pictures and you looked different in each of them.
I just can't believe how cute you are and how much we love you already. You love to be cuddled right after you eat, and everyone wants to hold you so that's never been a problem. Welcome to the world Jack Allen Livingston. Welcome to our family.