Thursday, October 23, 2014

Living life staying active

We are excited to say our boys all share our joy in climbing, so we bought some gear and headed to the canyons. I see a lot of camping/climbing trips in our near future! The following pictures are just of how we've been having fun and staying active these beautiful fall days.

 So Jack is a rock star. This kid can climb the rope using basically only his arms all they way to the top! He also made it to the top of the rock climbing wall (40ish ft high), and was so ecstatic! Jack kept claiming how he was so proud of himself for reaching his goal, and he went on to climb route 1, 2 AND 3! His next goals are to conquer the 2 hardest routes next, 4 and 5. What an awesome kid - he is honestly such a great guy.  

On a side note, we knew he could make it to the top, but fear was keeping him and Blake from making it. So yup, we bribed them! But it was just enough umph to get them up there, and then their confidence skyrocketed. We know Jack can be motivated by money, so he got a dollar - and Blake is motivated by ice cream or cookie, so he got 2 cookies :) . Love my guys!

I can't believe how fast they are growing up... this little guy is still my little baby...

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Soccer and 1st grade PICTURES

My handsome boy in his 1st grade pictures... he always seems so much wiser than his age. 

Now onto our soccer pictures!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Adams Canyon

Busy weekend - we had soccer games Saturday morning, went rock climbing for two hours, went to the track where Jack and Blake ran a mile and Ty a quarter of a mile, went to the park, woke up the next morning and hiked all the way up Adams Canyon, then came home and climbed the rope for an hour or so. Not too shabby if you ask me.

We didn't expect the hike to take us 4 hours, but all three little boys were super troopers and made it the whole way without even complaining. Although near the end, the youngest two started looking like toys who were powering down. haha. Love these boys.

We have gotten really into climbing lately, we LOVE it. Trent just bought some climbing gear online and we're excited to finally go up different places outdoors and start climbing. Hopefully this is something we can keep up with as a family - we can all get stronger and have fun together. Cheers for the adventures ahead.