Man these kiddos are growing so fast! They are so fun, and keep me very much entertained! Blake turned 8 months old today. He is getting all over the place. He can roll faster than anyone I know ;) , and he has gotten pretty fast at his dry land swim! He babbles all the time, and absolutely loves his big brother. He will just watch him so intently and smile whenever he sings to him. He is a very happy baby, very content- but wants to see and touch everything he can. He laughs a lot and has beautiful deep blue eyes. He has a lot of energy- and it makes us wonder if maybe that's why he's not a great sleeper yet. By this age Jack was sleeping through the night. But I still love the late nights with Blake, he is such a sweet baby- and it makes me sad he is getting so big so fast. But I am excited for when he gets older to, so we can do even more fun things with him!
Jack went into big boy underwear today!! Wish us luck! So far he has been doing great! He got the Toy Story underwear so he is pretty excited. He has gone poopy in the potty, but he did have one accident today - so Trent helped him clean it himself in the toliet water.. Jack did NOT seem impressed. He kept saying, "Ewww, poopy, hands, poopy in the potty!" haha. I guess we will see if that helps him remember to tell us he has to go to the bathroom. We have been really positive about the whole thing, and plan on being that way when he has accidents too. We are just so happy for him- he is also growing up way too fast.
Jack can now say the entire alphabet! He sings it to Blake when he cries.. then it makes Blake happy and Jack say's, "ABC song, Blake happy now Mom." haha. Once we were in the car and we told Jack to make Blake happy- so Jack started yelling, "Blake!! Happy now!!" haha needless to say that didn't make it better! Ha that's when he learned the magic of the ABC song.
Jack is talking up a storm now, and it's fun to see his personality shine through. He is very kind hearted and loves to give hugs and kisses. He still dances all over and now loves to push himself around on his skate board. He just recently started to want to sleep on the bottom bunk of his bunk bed. And he has been doing great there too. If he keeps sleeping well there, we are going to tear down his crib. Yes he is still in his crib, he was sleeping great so we felt there was no need to rush him to a bigger bed until he was ready.
Mike moved out today too. He bought himself a trailer house not too far from our home. He is fixing it up, and is pretty excited about it! It's sad to see him go, but luckily he is still not too far away!
LDS hospital is doing lay-offs and sadly I am affected by this. But I have other opportunities that I am excited about! So off to new adventures for me! It's good to have a lot of different PRN positions, after all- the best jobs are all about knowing people right ;) !
Carol Lynn started school last week. She doesn't seem to excited about it, but it's her senior year and I hope she has a great time and makes great lasting memories.
But anyways, that's all for now!!