Monday, November 14, 2011
Jack: Problem solver
Thursday, November 10, 2011
My boys!
Life is so full of uncertainty. Apart from unconditional and eternal love, what promise can a mother make to her child? We cannot promise health, wealth, or happiness. We cannot promise that we will always be able to provide the best of anything. We cannot even promise that we’ll always be here. Anything can change in an instant. Anything.
When I think of promises I want to make to my 3 little boys, my heart tightens a little bit. Like any mother, I want to promise them things I cannot guarantee. I feel an almost unbearable yearning for the power to smooth the road that lies before them, to save them from the hurt and pain that most certainly lies in wait. But, I know that even if I had that power, it would be wrong to use it. Hardship is what tempers the steel of our character. It is what shapes us into who we are. If a child is not challenged along the way, they will not have the chance to become the best person they can be. In the end, I’m grateful I don’t have the power to resolve all their conflicts and erase all their pain. It would be far too great a temptation.
After following my mind and heart in circles, searching for a promise I can keep, I realize that all I can do is give my children the means to make their own promises. So, my beautiful boys, I promise that as long as you stay true to your heart, you will always find your way home. I promise that if you are a friend to yourself, you will never be alone. I promise that if you learn to see life’s silver linings, you will discover paths that others cannot see. I promise that if you stay connected to the natural world, it will ground you and teach you patience and wisdom. I promise that the universe may not always answer your prayers the way you predict, so be open to unexpected messages and gifts. I promise that if you practice gratitude, your life will always be rich.
These are promises that can be kept. These are promises I can make from my heart with a clear conscience. They will withstand the tests of time and adversity, just like my love.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
16 weeks %
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Trick or Treat!
So the boys dressed up this year as Rag-A-Muffins. Or as Trent would call them: The 'Lost Boys' from Peter Pan :) . rag·a·muf·fin or rag·ga·muf·fin (r g -m f n). n. A shabbily clothed, dirty child.