Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Jack turns 8

I can't believe my big guy is 8!! This kid is amazing and SO incredibly smart. His feet are the same size as mine now and he is reading books like crazy. He knows all the states and their capitals and so much more than I have ever known about our solar system. Jack is incredibly kind and good to his brothers, he is constantly teaching and taking care of them.

This year he decided he wanted nothing else written on his cake besides 'Plants vs Zombies' and wanted to go the Boondocks. Which I must say was the most fun there I have ever had. All the boys are at ages now where we can all go play lazer tag (which is awesome!) and can just run, play and really enjoy themselves. 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Our Valentines

This year for Valentines I treated Trent out to a fun party with dancing and good food. Luckily we got in free since... well, I was the entertainment. HAHA. We had such a fun night, and we danced our hearts out. He also gave me some beautiful colored daises - he sure is wonderful and amazing. I am so lucky to have him in my life.

Jack's friend Quincy who lives a few blocks over from us has come to play quite a bit these last few months. We like having him over. All the boys were enjoying the warming weather and were so excited to have a picnic outside. Gotta enjoy every moment!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Let's try out skiing!

This winter since Trent has fallen back in love with skiing and boarding, we decided to get the boys some skis so they could try it out! We ended up going with their cousins to a great sledding hill where we got to try out skis, boards and of course enjoy the sleds. Blake was super excited to try out his skis, and Tyler was zipping down the sledding hill so fast it was making my heart race.. haha. But when he noticed how nervous I was he told me, "Don't worry Mommy, I did not get hurt." Love him.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Liberty park with the snow

We decided to take a little walk around Liberty Park since it was so pretty with the snow. We got to walk around with Josh and his doggie. The boys had such a fun time.. they kept saying, "Thanks so much for this adventure Mom!" They sure are awesome little people, I love them terribly!