* ME at 12 weeks *
So the first part of this pregnancy has gone by fairly quick this time around.. It seems like just yesterday that we found out we were pregnant with our 2nd little one. I went in today for my 12 week appointment.. and getting to hear the little baby's heartbeat made the realization of it so much more real. There REALLY IS something in there! Yay! With this pregnancy I haven't been quite as sick as I was with Jack, even though not alot better. I have still lost weight in my first trimester and I have had to get IV fluids 3 times. It's funny because I have always told people my first pregnancy went very well.. and Trent is in the backround saying "WHAT?". haha. But usually about halfway through my 2nd trimester I start feeling like a whole new person.. and food then starts tasting REALLY GOOD ;) . Trent is convinced there is another little boy in there because boys run prodimintely in his family. I guess we will see on August 18th!
So every once and awhile I would wake up with a big, hard, belly.. and somedays it would be completely gone!! I was like, "why do I look pregnant today, but not yesterday?" So here are some pictures of my 'belly' I was getting... I asked my doctor why that happens sometimes.. because I thought it was strange, and she told me it might be from the progesterone.
My mom still is convinced I am having twins. Haha.