Wednesday, March 3, 2010

2 years 2 months

Jack turned 2 and Blake turned 2 months this past week! So we got to take them in for their Dr. appointments together! Which I thought at first was such a great idea, and then they both got their shots on the same day :( . So both of them were pretty cranky the rest of the day. Thank goodness for Tylenol! I thought I would post a picture of Jack and Blake when they both were 2 months old. They do look like brothers but there is still a difference between the two for sure! They were actually close in height and weight at their 2 month appointments. Here were their stats ~

Jack = 13.6 pounds ~ 25 inches
Blake = 13 pounds ~ 24 inches

Both are deffinately big boys. Momma's milk must be pretty creamy! lol. Or it's because their dad is 6'7... one of the two!

Jack for his 2 year appointment = 35 1/4 inches long (80th percentile) and 32.8lbs (80th percentile)

His growth has slowed down from his 18th month appointment where he was over 95 percent in everything!

We had a birthday party for Jack, and had some good friends over. It was a lot of fun. We were joking that when he gets older and invite his own friends, we won't be able to invite OURS over anymore! LOL

Blake had a good time at the party!

This was the best picture I could get of all the kiddos!

Jack got a magna doodle - It's for ages 3 and up but he hasn't put it down since.

Jack loves his brother. He is always taking care of him!


  1. Oh my, you do have a some big boys! Its cute. Good luck on Jack talking. Our apt is tomorrow, I'll let you know how it goes.

  2. Wow, your boys sure do grow up fast! But they're so cute and'll be hard to keep all the girls away from them when they get older. ;)
