Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Love my boys!

It's been crazy and fun having two little boys! Jack is continuely growing, learning, running and talking away - and Blake is such a sweet newborn. And you sure get way less sleep with two, that's for sure! I honestly have no idea how I am still functioning!! But I love every minute of it! Blake has had colic these last few weeks, so it has been extra hard. But he is so cute, even when he cries that it makes it all worth it- especially when he smiles and laughs! Jack is really good with Blake, he always brings him his blanket if he doesn't have it - or sets toys on his belly to share with him. He is really cautious around him when he is on the ground or doing tummy time. He always wants to sit right next to him, but not touch him. Which I think is a good compromise! Jack and Blake go in for their 2 year and 2 month appointment together at the end of the month ~ it will be interesting to see their stats! I don't think Blake will be as tall as Jack. Also next week we are all flying to California to see my parents, which will be so much fun. Hopefully the airplane ride will go ok with a toddler and a colicky baby! Wish us luck!!

I thought I would add some thoughts about living with a colicky baby. Please add some if you'd like if you've ever delt with a colicky baby!

Things I've learned from living with a colicky baby ~

1. Hiding different treats and snacks in random places around the house keeps your toddler busy when he needs something to eat while you are trying to calm your newborn.

2. Bouncing the baby on an exercise ball can lead to many different ways to work out your legs, back, and arms while also trying to calm your newborn.

3. Everyone under the sun will give you advice on what you need to stop eating while nursing your fussy newborn ~ such as dairy, strawberries, nuts, chocolate... maybe I should just stop eating all together to cover my bases!

4. You want to hurt all the people who come up to you and say, "Awww, newborns are so great because they just sleep all the time!"

5. Sleep becomes a luxury

6. No, driving doesn't help... it just makes me feel worse because he is strapped in the back crying and I can't comfort him.

7. It is really hard to give Gripe Water to a baby who is crying.

8. He still looks cute when he is mad, and it breaks my heart I can't always fix whatever it is that hurts his little tummy!


  1. What cute pictures of your boys! I'm sorry Blake has a colicky tummy, that's no fun for either of you. I hope he starts feeling better real soon! Oh, and tell Jack Happy 2nd Birthday from us! We hope to see you guys sometime soon. :)

  2. My youngest had colic for about 3 months. It was pretty hard, but we learned to manage. Your guys are so adorable. Babies are so precious! Congrats! :)

    I'm sorry I haven't commented on your blog for awhile, but I plan on getting back into the swing of things.
