I have to admit I am a sucker for inspirational quotes. I have often wondered why, and maybe it's because they helped me in hard times growing up. I had a small black book I would always write new things I learned everyday. I did that in High school. It was my only way to really explain what I was going through at that certain point in my life. And maybe because I like to think of myself as an optimist... one that starts taking a bath if I accidentally fall into a river.
This year has been a huge learning curve for me. I have realized a lot about myself recently.. and the year has only begun. Working at many different places, I get the opportunity to work with a wide variety of people. I have encountered knowledge in referring to cancer, divorce, love, addictions, frugality, kindness, hard work and passion. And since the hospital had taken away our internet access... I have increased my knowledge in health care due to the availability of WebMD.
This year I have started dancing to music more, have gotten out my guitar, and viewed my life as a music video. My children are continually growing and learning, and I find myself still debating on what I want to be "when I grow up". I have often pondered if I want to pursue a masters and become a PA. I have also wondered if I would be happier becoming a Clinical Instructor of the students, because I still truly have a passion for diagnostic radiology - and it is something where I could inspire and teach. But then again, I also have a degree in Nuclear Medicine, and would hate to let those skills go to waste. I feel like I know more about PET/CT lately... and it is an amazing field. But I would hate to be around that strong of radiation for long periods of time. I guess we just never know where this life will take us. And I guess I just have to go with my instincts.. and believe that whatever happens, is suppose to happen.. and just take it all in the best I can.
We need to continually inspire others. We need to see the good in every situation, otherwise we could all just break down, or harden. This world is truly an amazing place.. and sometimes we just need to take it one step at a time, smile, and know that we all need to make our way through this maze and succeed in changing times.
And I think we all need to start working on doing more random acts of kindness. I stole this picture from a friend that every day continues to inspire others. Let's be the change we all want to see in the world. And if we can't change the world... then let's at least make it smile.