Jack is sharper than a tack. That kid knows that you go when the light turns green, and you had better be stopped if it's red. Once when I got lost near our Clearfield house.. Jack told me every turn and got me out of there.
If you ever tell him not to do something, he has already mastered the pouty face before the cry. And it's a cute one to! He also is jabbering a lot, which includes him saying "momma", "more".. and his most favorite "Oooo AHh" . He says that while he points to something with his big blue doe eyes.
This kid has sure won his way into my heart. After he wakes up he just will melt into me, and I love every minute of it. I can already tell he is a guy who knows what he wants, and will never stop until he accomplishes every goal he sets for himself. He is a very driven individual.
Your kids have really cute personalities. I'm glad you are blogging about this stuff, because when they are older you will be able to remember all of the cute things they did.