Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Reasons for thanks :)

First reason? MUFFINS! These boys absolutely love muffins. They would eat them all day if they could.

Second reason? My Parents got to come stay with us for an entire week! Yay!! It was so fun having them, and the boys absolutely loved having them there. Jack would make sure every day before he went to bed that they would be there in the morning.

My Mom got them a book called, 'Dick Jane and the Vampires'. It's a hilarious book, and it's suppose to help with reading just like the old Dick and Jane books. But this time, it has Vampires in it! Haha. Jack loved it so much he wanted them to read it to him every night.. and soon my Mom was wondering if she should hide it - because it's pretty long. 'You wanted it to be his favorite book!' haha.

My Mom is also extremely talented. She MADE this blanket for the boys. They loved 'helping' her finish it. And now it sits on the top of their bunk beds!

I am also thankful for apple pie! I am not the best baker in the world, but I have tried to make pie. I think it turned out okay though. Blake was mad when he couldn't eat it right away. What a stinkin cutie!!

Another thing to be thankful for, was having a big Thanksgiving dinner the week before for those of us who couldn't celebrate right on the actual day. The food was fantastic, and we were surrounded by great company! :)

Oh, and of course, trains!! We went to Ogden to get some pictures - and the boys always love looking at and playing on the trains.

And who wouldn't be thankful for our little family and the fun we all have together! It's still hard for all of us to get a good picture of everyone. And you can forget about telling them to 'smile' because Jack will give you the cheesiest grin ever! What funny little guys!

And last, but not least, I am thankful that my Dad is currently recording an album!! The world is lucky to be able to be blessed by his music. He is absolutely amazing. Here are a few pictures we took out at the train tracks for his album cover. Hopefully one of these will work for him, if not - either way he will find something spectacular! I am so proud of him!


  1. Your boys are SO cute!! And that apple pie looks amazing! Great job! Good luck to your dad-that's awesome. You'll have to post a link to his music once it's out! :D

  2. You look so cute Christy ... and your pie looks delicious! I'm so glad you guys had a wonderful Thanksgiving! And I love all the pictures! :)
