Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Ty turns two!!

 From 1 year old to 2. Love this bean.

Tyler is 2!

I would say that I can't believe he is already 2.. but it seems like this kid is older than this already! haha. He is talking up a storm, has his own opinions about everything, and has no fear. Whenever I am laying him down to sleep, he looks up at me with his beautiful eyes and says, "ABCD!" because his favorite song is the alphabet song (which he can sing about half of it now). Also, if he sees something out of the ordinary he says, "Wwwhhhhhaaaaatt? I laugh every time. He is hilarious.

Tyler loves to do things himself.. like buckle himself in the car. Then he exclaims proudly, "I DID IT! Mommy I DID IT!" Also if he is really trying to show you something he will take your face in his hands and bring his face right to yours before he turns your head to look at whatever it is. Ty still loves to cuddle with Mommy in the morning with his blanket and sippy cup of milk. He can drink out of cups just fine, but he loves to drink and snuggle in the mornings... how can I resist that?! And one of his first sentences was when we would drive down a hill in the car he would exclaim, "Weeeeee dat was fun!"

He will climb anything at the park, or jump off anything. And he is wearing the clothes Blake did when he was 3. Tyler is going to be a tall boy. There is never a dull moment with my smart little guy.

2 year old stats:

Tyler :  37 inches (>95%) 32lbs 4 oz (91%)
Blake : 35 1/4 inches (75%) 29 lbs 5 oz (65%) 
Jack : 35 1/4 inches (80%) and 32.8lbs (80%) 

Not sure why the percentages are so different when some numbers are close or the same >shrug< oh well. Haha. Love all my boys.

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