Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Man, I love flying.

I absolutely love everything about it. Looking back, since Trent and I started dating, we have traveled places by airplane at least twice a year. But as you would've guessed, it gets a bit harder when you have little children to accompany you. This time it was just Blake and I, and and believe it or not, he is a great travel buddy! My best advice? Travel lightly. With Blake in one hand, and a backpack around my shoulders, we headed off to the land of t
he sun ~ California!

We got off in San Fransisco. Flying into to San Fransisco is a crazy experience, you fly right over the water before you land at the airport. So it actually seems like you might land in the water! But no worries, we made it safely. Here I was heading to Standford to talk to a doctor regarding my POTS. And no, that is not referring to cooking supplies, or drugs of any kind. POTS stands for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. Which basically means I have a dysregulation of my autonomic nervous system. Now this isn't anything new.. I have been living with this since I was 14 years old. For those of you who know me.. it's my 'heart condition'. But in reality, it really isn't a heart condition. My incredibly fast heart rate is actually due to my body being unable to compensate for itself.. making my heart skyrocket. After many doctors not knowing what to do with me, I researched ones who knew something about it. The two I had narrowed down, were one in San
Fransisco, and one in Ohio. I figured it may be a little funner of a trip to head to California- what do you think?

Dr. Friday was incredibly intelligent. You could tell she knew what she was talking about and spent 2.5 hours with me, going over my history, checking odd things, and asking me questions I never realized could be related to my condition. She gave me a lot of advice, and reminded me it's not something like strep throat. It's not something you can treat with antibiotics and be better in a week. She also explained there are many subsets of POTS, and it sounded like I had one called Ehlers Danlos Type 3. Hearing that explained a lot of odd things that have happened to me in the past, including why my epidural with Blake didn't work as
well as expected or why I get numbness and tingling in my extremities. But in all honesty, it was just great being able to sit there and talk to someone who truly understood what was going on in my body - and maybe not fully... but that's OK. I am truly grateful to her and others that are continually researching this odd condition.

After the stop at Standford, we headed over to the Winchester House. For those of you who have never heard of it, it is a house that was continually being built on for 36 years straight. Sarah Paradee Winchester started in 1884 - and because her baby and husband had passed away, she was told her family
was cursed and went to a spiritual guide. He told her, "You must start a new life, and build a home for yourself and for the spirits who have fallen from this terrible weapon too. You can never stop building the house. If you continue building, you will live. Stop and you will die."

The house consisted of staircases leading into the ceiling, doors that lead to nowhere, and skylights not leading to the outside. It was an incredibly neat experience to be able to walk through this house. What an interesting story.

We then turned our journey to Paso Robles, California. Heading to the mid coast where my parents now live. What a beautiful city. The weather was perfect, the people were absolutely wonderful, and we left there a little blonder and sun kissed. All of that was just relaxing and enjoying everyone's company. We even headed over to the gym a few times! And as much fun as we had, it is always good to come home after traveling. And guess what?? When I got home, I noticed Jack has gotten a few freckles! I absolutely love freckles.. just fyi ! I sure love my boys! <3

Until next time!! Hope your living life to the fullest, and have no regrets! Because life is full of fleeting moments.. and we should enjoy every minute of them. Oh yeah, and keep smiling!!


  1. I've heard about that house and have always wanted to go!! So cool! I'm glad you were able to find a dr. that was able to help you get some insight to your 'heart condition' :)

  2. Sounds like you guys had a fun trip to California! I bet you were loving that sunshine. :) And I am also so glad that you were able to find somebody who can help you out with your "heart condition".

  3. You have such beautiful kids!!
    Also - glad you have an accepting doctors for POTS : ) Take Care!

  4. Coolest cat in the worldMay 18, 2011 at 1:05 PM

    I love that picture of Blake with his hat!
