Sunday, October 28, 2012

Unexpected things

Life is full of unexpected surprises. But when they happen, we can still seemed shocked that they happened to us. Sometimes we were never fully prepared for what took place.. leaving us in shock or disbelief.

The one good thing about these experiences, whether good or bad, is that they help us reflect on our lives - and hopefully help us realize what is most important. They help us prepare for future unexpected occurrences, and help us internalize the bigger picture of everything.

This past week two things happened. My Aunt passed away, and our car was rear-ended leaving $1800 of damage to my car. Things happen so fast. Loved ones are lost, others can be injured, lives can change in an instant.

My Aunt was only 50 years old. She had 3 children, two of which were still in High School. She had cancer, but fought with everything she could. One of the saddest things, was that both of her parents were there. My heart ached for everyone at that funeral.

As for my car.. it makes me more thankful we don't buy expensive cars, and don't tie ourselves down with car payments - because it helps me focus more on the big picture of everything. I felt worse for the gal that hit us more than anything. It was an accident, accidents happen - and she truly felt terrible. Luckily our boys weren't in the car (beside Tye, but his car seat didn't let him move much thankfully). Trent and I attained whiplash injuries that ached for days afterwards. So basically we got an awesome dent in my car -which makes for interesting stories anways, and a life experience to show you how fast life can happen.

On a lighter note, this created a chance for my mom and dad to fly to Utah for a few days.. and like always the boys were excited to see "California Grandma"! They had a lot of fun doing crafts with Grandma :)

Also.. Trent and I got some toys to play these past few weeks! Trent got a 4 wheeler, and he and the boys have been cruising around behind our house for the last week. And as for me, I got my own aerial silk! YAY. I use it in garage as of now, but on warm days it will be fun to hang it from a high tree in the park :)

- I also just wanted to add that my boys are lucky to have 3 such great Grandmas!

This is Blake's drawing of me!

Jack's car of him and his brothers in a car!

"I don't want to drive up to the pearly gates in a shiny sports car, wearing beautifully, tailored clothes, my hair expertly coiffed, and with long, perfectly manicured fingernails.

I want to drive up in a station wagon that has mud on the wheels from taking the kids to scout camp.

I want to be there with a smudge of peanut butter on my shirt from making sandwiches for a sick neighbors children.

I want to be there with a little dirt under my fingernails from helping to weed someone's garden.

I want to be there with children's sticky kisses on my cheeks and the tears of a friend on my shoulder.

I want the Lord to know I was really here, and that I really lived."

~ Marjorie Pay Hinckley

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