Monday, June 25, 2012


Jack was a little worried one night that the big bad wolf would come over and blow down our house. Even though I told him multiple times it was just a story, and that the big bad wolf couldn't actually blow down houses.. he was still concerned.

Thinking on my toes, I said, "You don't need to worry Jack, our house is made out of bricks."

"Oh, okay!" He stated while walking off smiling and satisfied with that answer. Looking over Jack's shoulder I see Trent mouthing the words, "Good one!" and holding his thumbs up. Haha. Parenting sure is entertaining.

There is a reason why they don't come with a manual. Each one of them is a completely unique person, inept with different ways of viewing and conquering the world. It's in our jobs as parents to help them figure out how to solve and view difficulties they may face in this life. And maybe we just need to show them that if they fall into a river.. they just have to learn how to take a bath instead.

Another funny thing with these boys?! They came up with their own word for calling someone silly. They will call you a 'poppy' instead! HAHA I sure love 'em! And as for little Tye? He sure is sweet and squishy as ever! ~ And growing like a weed!

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