Have you ever noticed whenever you ask someone a favor, you either feel really good about it afterwards - or kinda guilty. Think about it this way, if you decide to do something for someone, why do it half-heartily? Don't you want them to feel good about what you have to offer? I mean really, YOU ARE awesome ;) .
So I propose this, lets change our attitude towards going the extra mile. Instead of just being a 'Yes Man', become an ABSOLUTE one. Next time someone asks you to do something or even help them out in some way, instead of just saying, "Okay, I guess." Or even, "Yes." Try saying, "Absolutely!" Trust me, it will make you both feel awesome - AND it will help you tremendously in life if you always follow this philosophy.
Take this for example. Trent and I used a Realtor to buy our second house which was a duplex. We had shown ourselves through the house, and we put an offer in on it that evening. Trent did all the paperwork - so the Realtor only saw us again at closing, and that's it. Maybe less than a year later we found another house, for which we let ourselves into again- and called the Realtor just to ask him to put an offer in on it for us. He again, would have to do hardly nothing and receive a commission. We asked him if he would do it for $1200. He told us no.
So we went on our way to find one that would. We found one. We called him and proposed the same offer. His response? Absolutely.
Because of that, he has since went on and sold us 6 more houses - plus 3 of our relatives homes, and is currently listing one of our friend's. Whenever we have a favor to ask of him, his response is always the same. Absolutely. Going back to that previous Realtor - he did end up calling us back. He told us, "Okay, I decided since I have helped you guys out before - I GUESS I could help you out with this one also." Hmmm.. does that sound like someone you want to help you? Naw. We told him we already found someone who was willing to help us. Little did he know, the Realtor we decided to go with has made far more than $1200.
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